with the sacconi quartet
partnering with the sacconi quartet, anna and richard crafted a musical score that honors and resonates with dover’s chapel of st edmund of abingdon. their composition invites the public to experience this historic chapel in its venerable yet resilient form, a spiritual haven open to diverse faiths.
adjacent to the maison dieu, the priory of st martin’s cemetery once housed this small chapel, consecrated on march 30, 1253, by bishop richard of chichester and dedicated to st edmund. remarkably, this chapel, likely built in late 1252 or early 1253, survived the reformation, the dissolution of the monasteries, and even wwII bombings. It narrowly escaped 1960s demolition by a council unaware of its historical significance, thus preserving its sanctity through centuries of change. anna and richard composed pieces to connect not only to the hallowed space within but the chapels significance in the history, architecture and geography of dover town